Some beliefs

I’ve been paying attention to politics a lot lately, trying to understand how we got to such a polarized place. As a citizen of a republic, and one who wants to keep it, I think about what I can do personally to make a difference. This morning I started thinking about some fundamental beliefs that I’ve come to over the years. I thought it would be good to write some of them down.

I believe that people, given the opportunity to do meaningful work, in a system that helps them do it well, will do their best. Broken systems lead to demotivation and malaise.

I believe that people are wired for connection, and that cooperating with each other is in our nature.

I believe that if someone isn’t winning, at some point they’ll stop playing the game.

I believe that government should cooperate with industry with an aim of everybody wins.

I believe that a free press is a critical check on government and industry, and its aim must be to contribute to the common good. Pandering to a selected audience for short term profits is a debilitating disease.

I believe that people have more in common than they are lead to believe by the media.

There’s more, and I’m sure I’ll expand this list, but this is what’s top of mind for me right now.

2 thoughts on “Some beliefs

  1. Seems extremely reasonable. Sadly reasonableness is not on the main menu where people are currently herded to become more informed. Spot on comment about the ‘debilitating disease’ results.


  2. I could not agree more about helping people unearth opportunities. As the director of Common Grace Ministries, I am a firm believer in the fact that every single person has gifts, skills, talents and abilities; but they don’t always know how to make the most of them. This is particularly true for people who have been raised in poverty. When a person is told over and over again by various societal measures that they “can’t” do something for whatever reason, they begin to believe it and that’s when your other comment about winning comes into play. If they can’t find success, they just give up. They get tired. We are here to do more than help them with paying a past due bill, or giving them food or furniture. Those things are a flash in the plan and do nothing to help a person for the long haul. BUT…when we ask the not so simple question…”What caused this need?”…then we begin to get to the bottom of things and break cycles that are sometimes generations old. You are right, sir, we have more in common with one another than political figures or the media would like us to realize. Thank you for posting and for reaching out to us. I’m interested in learning more about you and the sparkjoy foundation.


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